Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday June 14, 2015

1706 on June 14 sitting on deck and writing this blog: We had thunder showers roll through about 0330 last night. Ms P went bonkers so I took her to the downstairs bedroom turned on some music and a light. We both slept sound. Music and light seem to work. The alarm goes off at 0646 and we get ready for our Sunday swim. It was sprinkling when we left the condo. We had no trouble getting a lane this morning. I think most swimmers thought that we would have an electrical storm and State law requires that public pools be closed during these storms. Gas at Meijer’s this morning was $2.90. Nancy bought a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. We had Nancy’s world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast along with raspberries and melon. I read the funnies and then took my Sunday afternoon nap. I needed to get my 30 in today so I took a 3.25 mile walk. I lucked out, no rain. I saw several young robins and ducks on my walk. The humidity is about 99.9% and rain is predicted for this evening. The present temperature is 79. The humidity in the lower level of the condo reached 67% several days ago. I turned on the dehumidifier. In two day the humidity has dropped to 50%. Nancy is grilling brats this evening and also corn on the cob. Nancy likes her new propane grill. It will be a standard Sunday evening. Read the GRP and watch 60 Minutes. This date in 1927 my Grandmother Hughes was visiting Venice, Italy. She spent the past two days sightseeing. In 1938, Ossineke, MI, my GGF Sanborn spent the morning working in his garden. In the PM he hired a friend to cultivate the garden tomorrow. On this date in 1938 my Grandfather Hughes was on a tramp steamer heading for the Panama Canal. And on this date in 1938 I was probably getting my diaper changed eight times a day.

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