Monday, June 22, 2015

Sunday June 21, 2015

Sunday June 21, 2015: Summer Solstice and Father’s Day in USA Written on Monday June 22: Longest day of the year and also Father’s Day ended up being a perfect summer’s day. Sunday morning is our swim day but today Nancy was a little under the weather so I went alone. I was the first one and a swam only 30 minutes. I stopped at home and picked up Nancy. We did our normal Sunday shopping at Meijer’s. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. I had mine on a waffle. Read the funnies and sports page before taking Sunday nap. After nap I took a short walk. At 1530 we got in the Taurus and headed to Moleski’s for an early dinner. Also attending were the Nameys and Tim Mask. Tom Moleski cooked T-bones on his grill. He also grilled vegetables. We sat outside and ate our meal. A perfect day for sitting outside eating and talking. We got home about 2030. Finished the day reading the GRP and watching some TV. Debbie, Melissa and Stephen all gave me a call today. So it was a good father’s day for RHS.

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