Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday June 8, 2015

The morning broke cloudy and warm. Sunshine expected later in day. I did my calisthenics and then had breakfast. While I have breakfast I usually watch a cable business show. CNBC and Bloomberg all were getting geared up for the big Apple conference in SF. I put on my warm weather bike gear and headed to Panera. WSJ had an article on WI Gov Walker and his efforts to get GOP voters to elect him. I am not a Walker fan. My favorite GOP candidate is the Ohio Gov. It took me almost 90 minutes to read the paper this morning. The election in Turkey was a surprise to a lot of observers. I think in a democracy it is alway important to clip the wings of folks who think they are above the law. Took my normal 14 mile bike route, The sun came out during the ride and for the first time this year I really worked up a sweat. Showered and then had a quick lunch. Nancy was having lunch with friends from the old gift shop at Blodgett. I ran several errands this afternoon. Stopped at Meijer's to buy shoe polish brush, SOS pads and shower cleaner. Next stop was Costco. I bought two big bottles of wine and dried prunes. Gas at Costco was $2.57. Spent some time polishing my black shoes for our Wed Dinner at the Gardens. It was such a nice day that I took a 2.5 mile walk. It is now 1758 and I am sitting on our deck writing this blog. I passed a number of condos on my walk today, I did not see anyone sitting outside. Maybe I should knock on some doors and tell the folks how nice it is outside. Light dinner tonight and then some netflix.

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