Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday June 1, 2015

Bright sunshine woke us up before the alarm. We never need an alarm when the sun shines. On cloudy days we need the alarm. Typical Monday with calisthenics at home and then bike to Panera for coffee and to read the WSJ. After I finished reading I got on the bike and took the long road home. Total miles ridden today was 16. I will have to change my route because several of the roads are under construction. At home I set up a new compressor I recently purchased. I use the compressor to blow dirt out of my bike gears. I also attached a carrier to my seat post. The carrier has a bag that is easily detached. I will carry my swim gear and mini ipad in the bag. This will eliminate the need for a backpack. After lunch got in the Cobalt and ran several errands. Bought gas at Meijer's, $2.77 and then stopped at Jos Banks and bought a pair of button suspenders. Looked around Gazelle Sports but did not buy anything. Nancy and I sat on the deck and read our books for about an hour. I took a walk around the block. We had a light dinner. It is now 1943 and we are watching Jeopardy. At 2000 we will watch a netflix show.

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