Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday May 31, 2015

Weekend Update: May 31, 2015 Last day of May: May is one of my favorite months with warming temperatures and long days. This month was no exception. Saturday May 30: We were up early for no reason. The weather folks said rain was heading our way. I wanted to get my bike ride in before the rain so I left at 0730. I took a 12 mile ride. It started to rain when I was about a mile left. Took a quick shower and then put on my raincoat and walked to Panera. I had oatmeal, bagel, apple and coffee. Panera’s oatmeal is quite good. I walked home in a gentle rain. Not much to do outside on a rainy day so I spent some time putting bachelor bottoms on several pair of cargo pants. I use the cargo pockets to carry my iPhone 6+. The bachelor button let me use suspenders. I like suspenders because it keeps my pants in one place without constantly having to hitch them up. Later in the afternoon I got in the Cobalt and ran errands. Stopped at JoAnn’s Fabrics to buy more bachelor buttons. I also bought what I call small garter belts like those hockey players use. I am going to use these belts on our bottom sheets to keep them from popping up. Last year we bought a new mattress and it is much deeper than the old one. They sheet corners do not fit as well. I think the garters will solve this problem. (they did) I also stopped at Sears to see if they had some button suspenders. They did not. Last stop was “Play it Again Sports” I bought Nancy a set of light barbells for her fitness class. I took Ms P with me and as we were pulling into the garage she saw another dog across the road. She bounded out of the car and ran to the edge of the road barking. When I finally got her under control I noticed that she was limping badly. I think she pulled a muscle jumping out of the car. Old dogs must learn not make any quick movements. I sure had to learn this. For dinner Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Lowell. We had dinner at the Flat River Grill. Nancy had a chicken sandwich and I had Lake Superior White fish. The meal was very good Debbie FaceTimed us last night. We spent about an hour talking. We watched a British Crime movie on netflix. It was still raining when we went to bed. The temperature had dropped to the low 40s. Sunday May 31: Last day of the month. The rain had stopped sometime last night. The day started cloudy and cool, 45. Ms P was still walking on three legs. Swim Sunday so we headed out at 0745. The pool was not crowded. Nancy swam 25 laps, 1250m, and I swam about 20. We stopped at Meijer’s for our weekly supplies. Gas today is up to $2.75 per gallon. Like MVP, Meijer’s was not very crowded. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took my afternoon nap. I must have been tired because I slept soundly for two hours. As soon as I finish this blog I will take a three mile walk. The sun is out and it is a perfect spring day. In fact most weather pros consider May 31 the last day of Spring. To the Pros Summer consists of the months of June, July and August. Ham sandwiches and soup for dinner tonight. We will read the GRP and watch 60 Minutes. On May 29, 1961 I wrote my Mother my first letter from US Navy OCS at Newport, RI. I had been at OCS since May 15. The Navy gave me tickets. I was to fly to NYC from Detroit and then on to Providence, RI. To get me to Newport the gave me a bus ticket. My flight to NYC was my first time on a commercial plane. The flight to Providence was canceled to I had to take a taxi to Grand Central Station in NYC and then a train to Providence. I was four hours late getting to OCS. On the first day I got a demerit for filling a form out wrong. Later I got a demerit for not shining my shoes properly. I got a lecture from the Commanding Officer telling me that I would be kicked out of OCS if I keep getting demerits. 20 demerits was the magic number. I had 15 demerits just 4 weeks into a 16 week class. I told Mom that I did not think the program was too tough but that they just give overload us. My address had just been changed so I told Mom not to write until after eight weeks. So it goes with OCSA Scott, May 1961.

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