Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday May 11, 2015

It was cloudy and cool this morning. The weather folks said it would start raining late morning. I got the at home stuff done and then put on my bike clothes and headed out for a morning ride. The recent rains had left a lot of puddles on the trail. However, the rains had made flowers bloom and turn all the grass and shrubs bright green. I remember my Grandmother Hughes telling me that in 1927 she took a bus trip through the Highlands of Scotland. The countryside was a bright greens so much so that she got the equivalent of snow blindness. I think that could happen today in GR. Speaking of my Grandmother Hughes I just dug up her diary from her 1927 trip to Europe. On this date Grandmother was still on the ship heading to Europe. She noted that the Atlantic was like glass. No rain on the bike ride. At home I grabbed Ms P and took her on her daily walk. It just started raining when we got home. I showered and drove to Panera for my morning coffee. Does anyone care if Greek defaults? I think Merkel of Germany is gutsy in the Maggie Thatcher mold. She did not back down when confronting Putin. It was raining hard when I got home. I put on my raincoat and drove Nancy to Costco. We bought wine, peanut butter, grapes and rolls. I was surprised at how busy Costco was on a Monday. Lunch and then I headed downstairs. I spent some time clearing my backlog of SI. I took a short nap. I dug through my collection of family material and found my Grandmother Hughes diary of her trip to Europe. I also found my third grade report card. It was not stellar. We had light dinner tonight. Not much on TV so it will be a netflix evening.

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