Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday May 29, 2015

We keep getting up earlier and earlier. It must be Spring. Did the at home stuff and then put on my knickers and took a 16 mile bike ride. After the ride and a shower I walked to Panera for coffee. What should the USA do about China and the South China Sea? Do we really care about Greece? The only good news in the WSJ was that 2015 graduates are having a easy time getting a job. Nancy and Kathi went to a big nursery in Allendale and Nancy bought several hanging baskets and perennials. When she got home we piled in the Taurus and ran errands. First stop was Mr Thanh's to pick up my blazer, we then stopped at Ludema's to buys some herbs and a sunflower. Last stop was Lowe's to buy a hoe. It started to rain on our way home. We were going out but because of the rain Nancy fixed turkey sandwiches and soup for dinner. I took a long walk and now, 2141, we are watching a Kevin Costner movie.

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