Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday May 1, 2015

May 1, 2015 Up with the bright sun today. I do the at home routine, eat breakfast and then walk to Panera for coffee. I have the alarm system tech coming to our house at 1030 so I do not have time for a bike ride. I walk home at 1000 and at exactly 1030 the tech arrives. I lucked out because I knew the tech. He installed our alarm system at 1555 Mackinaw. He was very familiar with the system at our condo. Our furnace, door locks, outside lights and alarm system are all interconnected. We spent over two hours going over the system. I think I finally got it. He also connected my iPhone to the system. I can now from CA or any remote site unlock the front door, arm and disarm the alarm system, raise or lower the temperature and turn on or off the outside lights. Don’t you just love all this tech stuff. I had a quick lunch and then put on my bike knickers and went on a 14 mile bike ride. I wore my knickers because the temp was in the low 70s. For the first time this year I worked up a heavy sweat on a bike ride. After my shower Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Kohls. Nancy made a return and I bought some undergarments. Next we stopped at Costco. We bought cheese and quiche. Nancy is having her book club next week and she will serve the quiche. For dinner Nancy fixed a stir fry with whole wheat pasta, beans and shrimp. It was great. Nothing on network TV tonight so we will watch a netflix show. A big question in GR is did Floyd Mayweather finish 9th grade at OHHS?

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