Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday May 27, 2015

Breakfast Club Wednesday which means I get up a hour earlier. Left home at 0630, the sun had been up since 0608 so it was an easy ride. Very small crowd this morning which is sad because we had a good speaker. Speaker talked about getting food stamp users to buy more fresh fruits and vegetables grown locally. More farmers selling their produce at farmer's markets are accepting food stamps. The food stamp program in West MI is a $20 M business. I have no problem with the food stamp program. Nobody should starve in the USA. After breakfast I stopped at Mr Thanh the tailor to get my blazer altered. The downsize to major weight loss is that my clothes are too big. Stopped at the Hall St Bakery for coffee and to read WSJ. Many articles on China's military build up. Stopped at Meijer's to buy several bottle of wine. Needed to get my 30 minutes outside so I put on my bike clothes and went on a 12 2/3 mile bike ride. Took a different route today. Nice ride but several steep hills. Lunch and then emptied waste baskets and took out to our big container. Cost of weekly trash pickup is included in condo fees. They gave us a big container that I have yet to fill. Took a short nap and then took Ms P on her daily walk. Nancy worked at the gardens this afternoon. Light dinner tonight. It is now 2000 and I just checked the TV Guide and nothing is on. A netflix evening. I bought an external keyboard for my ipad mini yesterday. It works great, I used it to write this blog.

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