Saturday, May 16, 2015

Saturday May 16, 2015

Saturday May 16, 2015 Went out with Ms P at 0700 and it appeared the rain had stopped. Got ready for breakfast and bike ride but when I went out the rain had started again. Changed clothes, put on raincoat and walked to Panera. I had oatmeal, a banana and bagel for breakfast. It was pretty good and $7 cheaper than Sundance. Read the WSJ but I found nothing that I want to comment on. It had stopped raining when I left Panera. I did some banking and then took a bike ride. I did my standard 15 mile ride. The temperature had risen to 75 and the weather folks said thunder showers are on the way. I took Ms P on her walk, had lunch and then showered. I spent about several hours reading US Grant’s book. I sat outside on our new glider to do my reading. Nancy did most of the laundry today. I did a load of my workout clothes. It is now 1752 and I am drinking a glass of wine on the deck while writing this blog. Nancy is fixing dinner, hot dogs and soup. Not much on TV so it will be a netflix evening. I was just checking my Grandmother Hughes diary from her 1927 trip to Europe. On May 13 the ship had a formal dinner party with a dress ball. On May 14 the ship was off the coast of Ireland. She saw high banks and very green fields with yellow flowers. On May 15 the ship arrives at Cherbourg, France at noon and at Paris at midnight. The 16th was a busy day she saw Napoleon’s tomb, the Eiffel Tower, United States Square and the Arc De Triumphe. This date in 1938, Ossineke, Mi: Great Grandfather Sanborn commented on how cool and windy it was. He spent the morning working in the garden. He planted corn, peas, carrots and squash. Cousin David caught a bucket of Bluegills.

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