Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sunday May 17, 2015

Sunday May 17, 2015 I set the alarm for 0645 but did not need to because the sun was streaming in and the birds were singing. The temperature at 0730 was 68. Today is swim day so we head to MVP. The pool was cool today but it did not deter Nancy or Bob. I swam 1,000 meters and Nancy swam 1,600 meters. We did our Meijer thing today. Gas prices have been rising but still below a year ago. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs today. We had the eggs on top of waffles. (sugar less syrup of course) I read the funnies before taking my Sunday nap. After the nap I tried to take Ms P on her walk but she refused to go. So I took a 3.5 miles walk. The temperature was 80 so I worked up a sweat. I took a shower. It is now 1717 and I am sitting in the glider on the deck writing this blog. Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner. Love beans and rice. We will read the GRP and she what is on network TV tonight. If nothing good we will head to netflix. Yesterday I wrote of my Grandmother Hughes trip to Europe in 1927. My Grandmother was born in Alpena in 1868. The daughter of Dr James and Eliza McTavish. Grandmother was 59 at the time of the trip. She died in 1963 at the age of 95. Grandmother Hughes’ mother was Eliza Little McTavish. She was born Eliza Little in 1842 on Walpole Island, Ontario. Family lore has it that GGM McTavish was the first white baby born on the island. Walpole Island was an Indian Reservation in Lake St Clair. Lake St Clair lies between Ontario and MI. GGM McTavish died in 1933 at the age of 91. I report often on the doings of my GGF Sanborn in 1938. GGF Sanborn’s wife was Harriet Loretta Sanborn. She was born Harriet Loretta Roberts in 1857 and died in 1950 at the age of 93.

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