Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday May 20, 2015

Today is easy Wednesday, no calisthenics or swimming. It got real cold last night, 35. I rode my bike to the Omelette Shop for breakfast. I got my winter bike coat and riding pants out of storage. I wore gloves but my hand still got cold on the 6 mile ride. I had their oatmeal breakfast. I spent 90 minutes reading the WSJ but the only thing I can remember are several articles on China’s aggressive foreign policy. The bright sunshine had raised the temperature slightly. I took a long ride home. Total bike miles today = 16. At home before changing clothes I took Ms P on her walk. Had a light lunch and then took a short nap. Actually the only reason I took a nap was to get under the electric blanket for 30 minutes. I even turned the furnace on for about an hour just to take the chill off. I sent an email to the Safari folks requesting a meeting. Nancy had sent a repair request to the condo’s property manager. A condo board member stopped by to look at a crack in a retaining wall attached to our condo. We talked for several minutes. Yesterday another board member stopped by to look at the crack. I guess the best way to meet our neighbors is to send in a repair request. Nancy had a Japanese Garden Board meeting at the Gardens today. She is also working her normal shift. It is now 1647 and I expect her home soon. Light dinner tonight and then we watch the “Mysteries of Laura” on NBC. We will finish the evening off with a netflix show.

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