Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday May 18, 2015

Up at 0630 with sun and birds. Looks like another great day. Did my calisthenics, had breakfast, put on bike riding clothes and headed to Panera for coffee. China's foreign policy is interesting. They use massive infrastructure projects to achieve their goals. The WSJ has the same fascination. They write many articles. After coffee I took my standard 14 mile ride, only backwards. It was hot, I was over dressed. At home I took Ms P on her walk. Showered, ate lunch and then headed to skin doctor. She found several spots and put liquid nitrogen on them. She also cut a sample for a biopsy. Stopped at Home Depot and bought a small compressor for removing dirt from bike. Also did some banking. Sat on deck and read a chapter of US Grants book. Took 30 minute nap. We had a light dinner. Now watching Netflix show. Temp will fall to 40s tonight. Writing blog on mini iPad. I am no good at one finger typing. I will try using voice dictation.

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