Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday May 8, 2015

Friday May 8, 2015 Up with the birds this morning and it looked like rain. The temp at 0700 was in the low 60s. Nancy headed out early for a class at MVP. I wanted to be on my bike by 0830. I quickly did the at home stuff and make my goal. I took my normal 14 mile ride. I was done by 1030. After a shower I drove to Panera for coffee and to read the paper. Nancy said she would call when the garage door man arrived. How about the elections in the UK! The Polls were wrong. The Labor party took a major hit. What do you expect when they hired David Axlerod as a consultant. I was surprised about the strength of the Scottish National Party. I am not for Scottish independence. I wanted to be home before 1100 because the overhead garage tech was coming some time between 1100 and 1400. We have had a rash of repair persons in house lately. The plumber cleaned our drain twice, new belts were installed in the dryer, EPS the Security firm repaired our alarm and installed an app on my iPhone, we had our furnace and AC checked out, my computer guru checked out all our Apple toys. Nancy car got its 50,000 mile checkup and new tires. I hope we are done for awhile. Kim cleaned the house today. At 1300 the garage door repair man arrived. He knew immediately what our problem was. He made a temporary repair and will return in several weeks to make permanent repairs. We drove to Fruitbasket this afternoon to look a some plant material. We only bought a flower box. Next stop was Lowe’s where we bought a Shepard’s Crooks. For dinner tonight we tried a new restaurant. It was called “The ADA Pour House Gastropub”. Nancy and I gave it a B+. On Tuesday we had a Statewide election to raise the state sales tax to get money for roads and schools. Our gutless legislators could have just raised the gas tax but they wanted to pass the buck. The proposal was very confusing. It was soundly defeated. Today is the 70th anniversary of VE (Victory in Europe) Day. I was seven years old on the original VE Day. I do not remember the day. I do remember during WW II that sugar, gas, silk, cigarettes, and rubber were rationed. Every one was required to have a ration card. I remember my Grandmother Hughes would limit me to only a small amount of sugar on my oatmeal. I think after WW II I went on a sugar binge. Maybe the reason I have been able to lose 20 pounds is that sugar was a major part of my diet. Eliminate sugar and the pounds disappear.

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