Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sunday May 10, 2015

Sunday May 10, 2015: Happy Mother's Day to Mothers everywhere. Today is also swim day. The pool was really crowded both Nancy and I had to share a lane. We did our Meijer's shopping. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs with waffles today. I have to learn to cook. Nancy should not have to cook on Mother's Day. Read the funnies and then took nap. It has been raining all day so I spent several hours catching up on past issues of SI. It stopped raining about 1630. Took Ms P on walk. Then took a walk around block. My fibit finally said I had reached mo 10,000 steps. Nancy fixed lamb, sweet potato, and green beans for dinner. Yes folks she fixed two meals on Mother's Day. Watched 60 Minutes, Damages, and the Good Wife before turning in.

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