Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday May 5, 2015

Up at 0615, hustle to get at home routine done before 0730. Have to have Taurus to Ford dealer by 0800. Made it. Dealer has good waiting area. Read WSJ and drank coffee. Greece and Nepal quake has pushed Ukraine and Russia off front page. Big Election in MI today on funding road construction. Hope it passes. Ford said work won't be done until 1500. They gave me a ride home. At 1200 AC tech came and checked out AC. He also spent time explaining both AC and furnace operations. Finally a knowledgeable tech. They are worth their weight in gold. Ford called at 1500 to say car ready. Had 50,000 mile checkup and new tires. Rain finally stopped so took 3 mile walk. Temp in 50s all day. Nancy fixed chili for dinner. It was great. Watched NCIS and now watching Netflix.

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