Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday May 15, 2015

Friday May 15, 2015 Up at 0700 and do the calisthenics. It was raining this morning so I put on the rain coat and walked to Panera. I took my time reading the WSJ waiting for the rain to stop. It stopped at 1030 so I walked home and put on the bike riding clothes. I took an easy 15 mile ride. Got home at 1230. I took Ms P on her walk and then shaved and showered. Took a short nap and then Nancy and I got ready for an exhibit opening at the Art Museum. We met Ed and Mary at the Museum. We had wine and snacks before viewing the exhibit. It is now 2148 and we are watching “The Glades” on netflix. Tomorrow it will be in the high 70s.

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