Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday May 21, 2015

Thursday May 21, 2015 Today is swim day for both Bob and Nancy. Nancy is in the pool at 0730 and I don’t arrive until 1000. Up at 0645, it is a cool 45 but the sun is shining. Calisthenics and breakfast at home and then I bike to Panera. Leave Panera at 0930 for MVP. The pool was cool this morning. Stopped at Starbucks on way home to finish WSJ. Who cares about Hillary’s emails? The operations of ISIS continues to confuse the Administration. Take my advice and get out of the Middle East. Nancy took Ms P to the beauty parlor this morning. She got her summer trim and looks great. After lunch I got in the C2 and headed to Meijer Gardens to pick up some material on our safari. I have lost so much weight that my pants even the ones I recently bought are too big. I decided to start wearing suspenders. Stopped at a sewing shop and bought some bachelor buttons. Nancy has a hair cut appointment for 1630. We get in the Taurus and head to the shop. It did not take long. Nancy got her hair cut short. It looks great. Next stop was the ATM to get money for Kim. Kim comes tomorrow to clean. We had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We both had the prime rib sandwich. We stopped at Breton Village so Nancy could do some shopping. We got home in time for the news. It is now 2030 and we are watching Damages on netflix. On this date in 1927 my Grandmother Hughes was in France. She visited several WWI battle fields, Belleau Woods and Chateau Tierry. (spelling is Grandmas) She made no mention that on this date Charles Lindberg landed in France completing the first solo airplane trip across the Atlantic. This was one of the major news story of the 20th Century and Grandmother made no mention of it.

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