Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday May 7, 2015

Thursday May 7, 2015: time is 1716, temperature is 84, the warmest day since August 2014. It is much warmer in GR than either LA or San Jose. Love it! Up at 0645 and went out in a short sleeve shirt and felt comfortable. Did the at home stuff and then put on my knickers and pedaled to Panera. Every one at Panera was talking about the power outage yesterday. It created a lot of inconvenience. Nancy could not prepare her meal for Book Club so she had to order pizza. We tried to get the garage door operating but no luck. At 0900 today I called the Overhead Door Company and set up a service call for 1100 tomorrow. Luckily I do not need the Cobalt. The pain in Nancy’s foot returned last night. She had difficulty sleeping. She did not go swimming this morning. She is much better now. After Panera I pedaled to MVP. The pool was empty when I got in. I did 20 laps using only the breast stroke. No shoulder pain but my neck gets sore. I will modify the program the next time I get in the pool. Stopped at Starbucks on way home to finish the WSJ. Took Ms P on a walk when I got home. Had a quick lunch and then puts some khakis in my backpack and headed to the tailor shop near by. Also stopped at bank to get some money for Kim. Kim will clean tomorrow. I read several chapters of US Grants book and then took a 30 minute nap. We are staying home tonight. We are having chili and some pizza left over from last night. On May 6, 1962 Ensign Scott wrote to his Mother in Alpena, Mi. I said it had been a while since I had written. Midway Island was now loaded with folks coming to monitor the upcoming nuclear bomb test on Johnson Island. I think Midway is the closest land mass to Johnson. I told Mom that I had been in the Navy about a year and have put on 20 pounds. My weight was now 158 pounds. The weather on Midway was getting warmer. I was surprised how mild the weather was on Midway. Midway is the same latitude as Tampa, FL. I had now spent about 6 months on Midway with 6 more to go. I commented on a letter my Sister, Helen, had sent. She also sent me two books, “Organization Man” and “Japanese Inn”. Helen said she was going to summer school at CMU. I said why not UM. UM has 3 boys for every girl and CMU has 3 girls for every boy. I was the Island’s Transportation Officer and was spending a lot of time getting ready for next weeks big inspection. The Inspectors were coming out of Pearl Harbor Public Works Center. I asked if my cousin Joan was still at UM. Glen Johnson, Dad’s cousin, was in the Navy and I asked what his rate was. Like a lot of home sick Navy guys I wanted to know how my Grandmothers were doing and about my Aunt Helen in Alma, Mi and Uncle Fred in FL. Mom and Dad had done some interior decorating and I asked if they liked their work. My Mother we a real serious bridge player and I asked how her game was. No FaceTime, email or cell phones in 1962. The only way to find out what was going on was to write a letter. An old Navy saying was “If you want happy troops, don’t mess with a sailor’s mail or pay”.

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