Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday May 28, 2015

Thursday May 28, 2015: It is now 1700 and I am sitting on our deck and writing this blog. The temperature is 79 and it is sunny. I walked outside today at 0645 into bright sunshine and warm temperatures. Today is a swim day for Bob and Nancy. Nancy leaves at 0700 and I don’t head out until after the calisthenics and breakfast. Pedaled to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ. We have lived in our condo 10 months and I am beginning to know my neighbors who also have coffee at Panera. Left at 0930 and pedaled to MVP. Perfect day for a bike ride. It is 3.67 miles from home to MVP. The outdoor pool at MVP is now open. I was tempted to swim outside but decided against it. I don’t need a sunburn, especially since I see the skin doctor early next week. Took the long rode home today. It adds 3 miles to the ride. As soon as I got home Nancy and I headed to Costco. We bought Cherrios, wine, cheese and crackers. Costco was not very crowded. Had a quick lunch and then did a load of laundry. While waiting on the laundry I sat on the deck and read several chapters of US Grant’s auto. Took a short nap and then was going to take Ms P on her walk. She refused. I think she is a little under the weather. It is now 1710 and I will take a break. Nancy and I are having dinner at Brann’s this evening. Stay turned. 2027: dinner at Brann’s was great. We both had a salad. Watched the news and then walked around the block. I wore a thin tee shirt and was comfortable. Great night for a walk. Sunset tonight is at 2110. Would I enjoy these great Spring days as much if I lived in state with year round warm weather?

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