Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday June 28, 2015

Sunshine and the alarm got us up at 0645. Sunday, so it is a swim day for Bob and Nancy. We were the first car in the lot and also the first in the pool. Nancy swam 1,250 meters and I swam 30 minutes or about 900 meters. I have doing only the breast stroke with no pain. At Meijer's Nancy loaded up with fresh fruits and vegetables. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I read the funnies and sports page before taking my nap. We think our condo is going to be painted this week. I spent some time sweeping our ground floor deck. We will have to remove flower baskets and other things attached to our outside walls. Nancy did the laundry today. I finally got around to hanging some pictures. I should have done it months ago. We have been in the condo 50 weeks and still have not got it exactly the way we would like it. We are getting close. I fired up the grill for Nancy and then took a two mile walk. On my walk I mailed in my CA PE renewal. I don't know why I have renewed it. Would you hire a 77 year old? Perfect day for a walk. Nancy grilled burgers and corn on the cob tonight. It was really tasty. It is now 1918 and we are watching 60 Minutes. Will finish reading the GRP and watch some TV/netflix before turning in.

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