Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sunday June 7, 2015

Sunday morning and we got up with the alarm at 0645. Today is swim day so we head to MVP. Nancy was the first person in the pool and I was the third so we each got a lane. I have been having some pain when I swim. If I do the crawl my shoulder gets numb after about 8 laps. If I only do the breast stroke, my favorite stroke, my neck gets very sore. I also think the chemicals in the pool are causing a sinus problem. I decided to take several weeks off. Whine, whine, whine! Got our weekly supplies at Meijer’s this morning. I forgot to check the gas price. I do know we put 127 miles on the Taurus last week. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. I had mine on a waffle. Read the funnies and watched some of the French Open men’s finals before taking my nap. We almost forgot that our quarterly tax payment are due soon so wrote checks. I walked to the nearest post box and then continued my walk so that I got three miles in. It has been threatening rain all day. I carried my raincoat on the walk but did not need it. Nancy is fixing chicken pot pie for dinner tonight. We will finish reading the GRP and watch 60 minutes this evening. I don’t know what is on at 2000 so it might be a netflix evening. On my walk today I saw a lot of goose feathers near a local pond. It looks like a fox or coyote might have been involved. I sure hope so! We have way too many geese. I think they might be a tasty meal for a fox or coyote.

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