Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday June 22 2015

Monday June 22, the first day after the Summer Solstice so the days are getting shorter. Bummer! I alway feel a little depressed after the SS because Winter is coming. We got up at 0645 and Nancy headed to MVP and I did the at home stuff. No bike ride this morning because we have an 1100 meeting. I walked to Panera and read the WSJ. Got home at 1015 and Nancy was just finishing her shower. We got in the Taurus and drove to the office/home of Kidder Safari. The Kidders have a beautiful wood home. It is rustic and Dave Kidder is a big hunter so he had over 100 animals on display. Lions, Siberian Bears and all kinds of deer and buffalo. We discussed our upcoming trip the South Africa. Our preferred time is the last three weeks of Sep and first two weeks in Oct. After our trip to the Game Preserve we want to visit Cape Town. We also want the Kidders to book all our flights. They will let us know the dates that are open within the next three days. We got home about 1230. Rain is suppose to roll through about 1500 so I got on my bike and headed out. The thunder storms came early. I made a quick detour and headed home. I was soaked when I got home. The ride was only 45 minutes vs my normal ride of 90 minutes. Showered, ate lunch, watched the rain and started writing my blog. It is now 1500 and the rain has stopped. Think I will go on a short walk. Stay tuned! I walked 1.8 miles. I worked up a big sweat so a shower was needed. We had a light dinner. It is now 1900 and we are watching the news on PBS. Tonight we will watch “Major Crimes” on TNT.

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