Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wednesday June 3, 2015

Post Number 2076: 1730: from the deck of Bob and Nancy’s condo Easy Wednesday: I had planned on taking the bike to the White Pine Trail. Before leaving, I walked to Panera and had oatmeal, bagel and coffee. China seems to be in the WSJ’s scope. Several articles about South China Sea. My Navy friends last night kind of downgraded China’s Navy. I am not so sure. Called the Vet’s office to see about an appointment for Ms P. Only time available was at 1220. So much for White Pine Trail. Walked home and put on my knickers and took my second favorite bike route. It is two miles shorter but has several steep hills. Took a quick shower and loaded Ms P into the Cobalt and headed to the Vet. The Vet said Ms P has either a torn tendon in her knee or knee joint injury and surgery might be required. Like people doctors she does not specialize in joints and tendons. She gave me the name of a Vet that does. I called the joint Vet but have not received a reply. I took a 30 minute nap and then put on my backpack and walked to Meijer’s. We needed milk. I got half way when I realized that it was 75 degrees so I must hustle home before the milk turns sour. Bought the milk and started home. I got halfway home when Nancy stopped and gave me a ride. She worked at Meijer’s Garden this afternoon. They cut the grass this afternoon and our huge backyard looks great. A Robin is chirping up a storm. Is their chirping a mating call? When the mating season is over do they stop chirping? Light dinner tonight and then some netflix. Just checked the weather and GR is warmer than LA or San Jose, about time. Remember to get your 30 minutes outside each and every day.

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