Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday June 23, 2015

Thunder showers last night, Ms P went bonkers so I grabbed her and took her downstairs, shut all the doors, put my iPod music on shuffle, turned on the light and we both slept fine. Today is swim day for both Bob and Nancy so I set the alarm for 0630. I want to get up early (about 15’) so I have more time at Panera to read. I have to leave Panera at 0930 or I won’t get a lane. I lucked out this morning. All the lanes were in use and I was ready to leave when a lane became available. All the swimmers Nancy and I talked to are waiting for the new YMCA to open later this year. They will have a larger pool and should take some of the pressure off MVP’s pool. The new Y will be only 1.25 miles from the condo vs 3.65 for MVP. I took the long route home. I did have a confrontation with a vehicle and it’s driver this morning. I was taking my time pedaling along 28th St when a man pulls into a nearby strip mall, rolls his window down and calls me over. I thought it was someone who knew me so I pedaled over. He began to give me a lecture about safe bike riding. He asked me my age and we were the same. I kind of lost it and told him I did not need a lecture and to bug off. We both parted ways in a huff. I got home about 1230. We were expecting the overhead door folks to come over about 1300 to put in a new spring. They canceled. It was too early for lunch so I took a 2.5 mile walk. This afternoon I jumped in the Cobalt and headed to Woodland Mall. I stopped at the Apple Store and asked how I could change a book I purchased that was in Spanish to English. They gave me the answer. I stopped a Sears to see if they had any long sleeve tee shirts. They did not. I did buy a pair of cheap khakis that were on sale. As soon as I got home I tried them on and tomorrow I will return them. Sears has really gone downhill. Will it survive? Nancy is grilling lamb for dinner. I will also get a sweet potato and some veggies. We got a paper copy of the GRP today so I will spend several minutes reading it this evening. Have not checked TV Guide to see what is available this evening. We always use netflix as a fall back.

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