Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thursday June 4, 2015

Thursday June 4, 2015, swim day for Bob and Nancy, also it is going to be one of the warmest day of the year. It was still cool,54, when I pedaled to Panera so I dressed in layers. Greece and Russia were the topics of the day. Why not let Greece exit the EU? They have my approval. Will both the President and Congress go down as totally incompetent? Riding to MVP I realized that I had too many layers. It had warmed up to 75. The pool was nearly empty this morning. I did the breast stroke with no shoulder pain but my neck was really sore. I have a snorkel that is built for lap swimmers. I will try it next swim. The snorkel will keep my neck straight. Took my new route home so my total miles are 11 vs 7 with the old route. Stopped at Cascade Meijer's and had a Starbucks while I finished the WSJ. Quiet afternoon at home, I did get an appointment for Ms P with the tendon and joint Vet tomorrow. Opened all the windows downstairs to let the warm outside air in. The lower level being below ground get real cool. It worked. Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping, We both had the prime rib sandwich. It was great. Took a quick walk around the block. We are now watching a Richard Gere spy movie.

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