Sunday, June 28, 2015

Saturday June 27, 2015

Up at 0646 and got ready for our trip to Gaylord. Breakfast at home and then got in the Taurus and first stop was Panera for coffee before hitting the open road. We got on the freeway at 0800. The drive to Gaylord was pleasant. It is 186 miles from the condo. We were attending a graduation party for Paige Kassuba, the granddaughter of my sister, Helen. It was a good party. In addition to talking to Paige we also talked with our niece, Jennifer, Paige's mother and Jennifer's brother, Jason, our nephew. Jason's daughter, Kennedy, was at the party. Jason also brought his girl friend Tina. Don Crandall my brother in law was the proud grandpa. He enjoyed having his family together. Shirley, Don's daughter and her husband Howie arrived from CO on Thursday. It was great talking to them. We found out Howie is also going on a South African safari. We exchanged details about our trips. Shirley and Howie are spending Monday evening at the condo. We look forward to their visit. The drive home was uneventful. We stopped in Cedar Springs and picked up Ms P. As soon as we got home I took a short walk in order to get my 30 in. Nancy fixed egg sandwiches and soup for dinner. Nothing on TV so it was a netflix evening.

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