Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday June 17, 2015

Easy Wednesday and today I decided to pedal to the Omelette Shop in Breton Village. I had an oatmeal and egg breakfast. I made a haphazard effort to read the WSJ. Could I be news saturated? I rode through EGR on my way home. My super duper iPhone told me I pedaled 14 miles. As soon as I got home I got in the Cobalt and ran errands. First stop was Macatawa Bank to get some cash. The tailor and cleaner only take check or cash. Next at Meijer’s I bought some bungee chord type shoe laces. At the battery shop I got a battery for my bike’s speedometer. I then stopped at Berger Chevy and got my oil changed. Times are really changing because all the folks working in the oil change area were female. Even the Navy CEC is changing. When I was in the Navy there were 1,500 officers in the CEC. Not a one of them was a woman. Now the Rear Admiral in charge is female. When you add women to your work force you double your talent pool. In a competitive market place talent is everything. Finally I stopped at Master Cleaners to pick up Nancy’s dress and right next door at Mr Thanh’s I picked up my pants. Nancy is working a the Gardens this afternoon. I had a quick lunch and then took a short nap. Before Nancy got home I walked around the block. We had a light dinner. I spent some time sweeping and cleaning our lower deck. It is now 2005 and I am heading upstairs to read the GRP on my mini and watch some TV or netflix. PS before I do anything I have to hang up my socks that just came out of the washing machine.

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