Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday June 26, 2015

The chirping birds and bright sunshine got us up early this morning. Did the at home stuff and then put on my biking clothes and headed to Panera. I think all the EU members are totally exhausted from trying to get Greece in line. The WSJ still gave Greece a lot of ink. Is the failure of Iraq to take back territory lost to ISIS the fault of the USA? I don't think so. Why hasn't any politician proposed just getting out of the Middle East? I certainly would. Today I rode my 14 mile route. I did stop at the Ada Bike Shop to have them put new pedals on the bike. They removed the original bike pedals and put on pedals that I can use with or without clips. I called in a prescription refill to Meijer's and Nancy told me it was ready. I walked over and picked up the pills. Nancy and I are going to Gaylord tomorrow. Kim is taking Ms P for the day. She picked her up at 1400. I washed several khaki pants this afternoon. Need a pair for tomorrow. Nancy fixed pork chops, dressing and green beans for dinner. It was tasty. Our internet went out this evening so I had to unplug several wires that are connected to the modem and router. It worked. We watched some of the Women's soccer and then Midsomer Murders on netflix.

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