Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tuesday June 16, 2015

The heat and humidity were gone this morning. Finally our dehumidifier has automatically shut off this morning. The shut off percent is 50%. After the at home stuff I went on my new bike route. It was a perfect day for a ride, sunshine and cooler temps. The pavement was wet so I think we had a passing shower overnight. Since I have been rowing 2K mornings I now bike 12 instead of 14 miles. The 12 mile route is much smoother and avoid several construction sites. Since Nancy and I are going out to dinner with the Horlings this evening I shaved my head and beard after the shower. I walked over to Panera Bread for coffee and to read the papers. I met an old employee, Jeff Schumaker, at Panera. Jeff recognized me right away. It took me a minute. Jeff was looking good and still works for FTC&H. Jeff has been at FTC&H 20 years. Where does the time go. Enough about Greece, let it go! I also don’t care about the 2016 Presidential election. Good grief it is 16 months away. I do find the conflicts between all the sects and countries in the Middle East interesting. I think ISIS, Iran and Assad are the bad guys. But all the interplay between the conflicting parties is so confusing I think we should bail out. If I was a US soldier I would not know who to shoot and neither do the pols in DC. I am a free-trader and hope that congress gives the authority needed to get a trade bill. 95% of all consumers live outside the USA. We have to go after these markets. The USA is no longer an euro-center country. Just go to a Costco in CA. Vietnam has more people than Germany. I took a pleasant detour home. I have been looking for deer in the neighborhood but have not seen any this summer. I have seen some skunks, snakes and turkeys. This morning I even saw several hawks. We are having dinner at the Blue Water Grill on the Northland Drive. My iPhone says it is 10.7 miles from the condo. Don’t you love tech!

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