Saturday, June 13, 2015

Saturday June 13, 1015

1856 sitting on the deck drinking wine and writing this blog. I am using my mini and new keyboard. It takes some getting use to but I am getting better using the keyboard. We had some gentle showers last night. Slept in until 0700, checked my weather app on the iphone and it said rain would start at 1000 and continue for the rest of the day. I hustled and got ready for a bike ride before the rain. I was three miles into the ride when it started to rain. I quickly diverted to a shorter route. I rode 8 miles. It stopped raining right before I got home and it has not rained since. So much for iphone weather. I changed clothes and walked over to Panera. I was disappointed in Congress for not passing the Pacific trade bill. I am a free trader. Did you know that 95% of consumers live outside the USA. We need these markets. I think the EU is running out of patience with Greece. I sure would. USA is siending more troops to Iraq and maybe opening new bases. Sounds like 1965 all over again. Get out now. After coffee I took a three mile walk home. At home Nancy was busy doing the laundry. I cleaned my office and hung up my workout clothes that i washed yesterday. I had a quick lunch and then ran errands. I stopped at the Chow Hound and bought some pill pockets for Ms P. I like the pockets because I put her pill in it and she devours the pill. No hassle. At Ace I bought a wire brush to clean the new grill. I then drove to Cabela's in Grandville. The place was jammed. Cabela's has name brand sporting goods and clothes at reasonable prices. Today I was just getting ideas for our trip to Africa. The sun finally came out so at 1715 Nancy and I walked over to Panera. Nancy had a bowl of soup and I had soup and a tuna sandwich. I am not interested in the hockey or BB finals. I have watched some of the Women's soccer. Tonight will be a netflix evening.

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