Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday June 20, 2015

A summer Saturday in June or 1 day before the Summer Solstice: Slept in this morning until 0700, too late to get a table at Sundance or the Omelette Shop, so I put my bike on the Cobalt's and stopped at Panera for a quick bowl of oatmeal. Today I rode on the Musketawa Trail. The Trail is 25 miles long and runs from Marne to Muskegon. It is entirely on an abandoned RR grade so it is flat. I pedaled 22 miles. A perfect day for a bike ride. Had a quick lunch and then Nancy and Bob got in the Taurus and drove to EGR. Today they are having their Art Fair. Wealthy Street is closed in Gaslight Village for the booths. A lot of folks out to see the Fair. We spent about an hour looking around. After we stopped at Barnes and Noble in Woodland Mall. I bought a map of South Africa and Nancy bought some birthday cards. Also looked at other stores. I bought a pair of inexpensive khakis at American Eagle, 30x30. It looks like my weight has stabilized so the 30x30 pant will be fine. Took Ms P outside in our big backyard. She is still walking on three legs but does not appear to be in any pain. She likes to roam without a leash. We have not made up our mind on whether she should have the knee surgery. She is 11 and might be too old. Any comment? Nancy fired up the grill and cooked brats and corn-on-the-cob for dinner. A great summer dinner. Just took a short walk. It will be a netflix evening. 15h21' of daylight today. 17h26' in Edinburgh.

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