Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday June 19, 2015

Another perfect summer day, sun, low humidity and cool temps. I have been riding the same bike trail for several months and in past two weeks traffic on the trail has more than doubled. After the ride I showered and walked to Panera. The shooting in SC dominated the news. How do we stop these racist attacks? Good grief the victims were at a Bible Study class. The epitome of goodness. The cable business channels this morning are saying enough about Greece. I agree. Kim came to clean today. She has agreed to take Ms P on the 27th of June. Nancy and I are driving to Gaylord to attend a graduation party for Helen, my sister's, grand daughter. After lunch Nancy and I drove to Meijer Gardens. We walked around the new Japanese Garden. I was very impressed. It is another Crown Jewel for GR. The place was jammed. Speaking of my sister she called me this afternoon. Helen said her church's secretary told her that her father, Gary Lutz, was from Alpena. Gary was a classmate of mine. He now lives in Mt Pleasant. Gary spent many years in Chile as a missionary. Small world. For dinner Nancy and drove to Brann's. We each had a salad. It is now 1930 and we are watching Jeopardy. I was checking books on my ipad and found one of the books was in Spanish. I will have to found out how to change it to English. Any suggestions?

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