Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuesday June 9, 2015

Tuesday morning, Nancy is going swimming but I am not swimming for a week. I added a 2,000 m row to my morning routine. After breakfast I got on my bike and went on a 12 mile ride. It was a great day for a bike ride, sunny and temps in low 60s. Showered and then got in Cobalt drove to Panera. I only stayed a short time because I have an 1140 appointment with the skin doctor. She sprayed several spots on my face with liquid nitrogen. On my way home I stopped at Bill and Paul's to look over their kayaks. I got my eye on one 12' kayak that as soon as I figure where to store it I will purchase. Also stopped at Gander Mountain. I was looking at fishing rods. I did buy a pair of suspenders. Had my normal lunch and then finished reading the WSJ. One story the WSJ is not covering is the NY jail break. Morning Joe spent way too much time talking about the jail break. I started to take a nap but the landscapers were trimming the bushes outside to condo and the noise kept me awake. Got up and took a 3 mile walk. Kathi, Nancy's friend, came over to help Nancy decide what to wear for tomorrow nights Meijer Garden Japanese Garden Celebration and Dedication dinner. Nancy made her great summer salad for dinner. She calls it an Asian Chicken Salad. It is great. She also made rhubarb sauce. Love rhubarb. It is now 2022 and we are watching NCIS. Early to bed tonight because I have Breakfast Club tomorrow.

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