Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunday August 1, 2010

1737: Sunday August 1 and the alarm goes off at 0646. I get right up and take Ms P out. I perform several Sunday chores before going to the MAC. I feed Ms P, bring my laundry basket upstairs and take Nancy and my gym bags out to the car. This morning Nancy is going swimming and I will walk on the treadmill for 3 miles. This morning I increased my walking pace to 4.3 mph. After the MAC we head to Meijer's to get our weekly groceries. I also filled the Taurus up. Gas was $2.71 per gallon. Nancy bought a lot of in-season fruit. Don't you love fresh fruit?

Of course Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. Ms P got to lick the egg plates clean. I read a few sections of the GRP and then headed upstairs for my Sunday nap. I slept about 1 hour without any shoulder pain. Maybe the shoulder is slowly healing.

This afternoon I had an appointment to see about some exercises that I could do to speed the shoulder ailment. I think that I now have some exercises that will work. My motto is to take it slow and easy because I will use the shoulder for the rest of my life and what's the hurry.

When I got home I took a 3 mile walk. It was very hot and I really worked up a sweat. In fact I worked up a barnyard sweat. My grandfather Scott always said that every day you must work up a barnyard sweat if you want to feel good.

Speaking of doctors I got several emails from Dr Schwaderer showing pictures of his troubled bridge. It looked exactly as he explained. It will take some sweat to correct his bridge problem but the cost is reasonable. This advice from our bridge expert.

Nancy right now is grilling steak for dinner. We are also having corn on the cob.

2120: Dinner was great. After dinner I finished the GRP. Most of the news coverage involved Tuesday's primary and the Kzoo River oil spill. About 1930 I took Ms P on a walk around the block. She did not object. It is still hot but we are using fans instead of turning on the AC. Is this smart or stupid?

The daily beast today listed 10 US Representatives who should be fired. I noted that Steve's rep was on the list. Speaking of US Reps we are getting a new one this year. The GOP front runner is very conservative and very young. He did not receive my vote. Us old folks can vote absentee and I voted when downtown for the July GRBA meeting.
Next week I will write my US Senators and Rep and ask that they bring back the draft. If they insist on waging war all citizens should be involved. They must also pass a war tax. Think these ideas will influence our folks in DC?

I am amazed at how many mistakes I make on my first draft. I said I would right my Senators. Of course I meant write. I always mention that I road my bike. Is this just carelessness or old age?

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