Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday August 24, 2010

1724: I slept in until 0650 this morning. I then performed my normal routine and got to the MAC at 0850 which for some reason was early this morning. I kept thinking did I not do something? Anyway the MAC was empty and I head out for the Kava House about 1030. Today is free refill day so I got a smaller coffee and 2 refills. I did read the DFP and WSJ. The only article of interest was about wind energy and how a massive use of wind will not have much impact on the carbon footprint. Wind is intermittent and therefore standard energy plants, coal and gas, must fill the gap. Because fossil fuel plants are designed to go 24/7, the start and stopping to meet demand during low wind periods is very inefficient and causes more carbon emissions. Also wind is expensive and no plants would be built without Fed aid. I am convinced the only real solution are nuclear plants.

After a quick lunch I headed upstairs and took a nap. After my nap I got a phone call from Jennifer Dougherty and we went over her road plans. They were in good shape. Jennifer was in Ann Arbor waiting for Caleb to get out of surgery. She has a big team providing support. The blog, Dougherty Update, has many readers. We wish the family well.

I finished the afternoon by riding the AT around Reeds Lake twice. It takes about 1 hour to complete this ride.

2149: We had a chicken salad with corn on the cob for dinner. I read the GRP and watched a rerun of NCIS. While watching TV I played some games on my itouch. It is very additive.

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