Sunday, August 15, 2010

Friday August 13, 2010

2145: Friday the 13th. I get up at 0700. Today is suppose to be the hottest day of the summer. My reaction is: what's a few degrees among friends. Hot is good. I have noticed lately that the days are getting shorter.

This morning I performed my routine without a hitch. Today I downloaded the DFP and WSJ at the MAC and they downloaded instantly. Everyone must be on vacation because the Kava House was empty this morning. I spent about an hour reading both the WSJ and DFP. The DFP was all abuzz about the new CEO for GM. The WSJ had several articles on the natural disasters in Pakistan, Russia and China.

When I got home Kim was still cleaning the house. I ate several of the Costco pinwheel sandwiches for lunch. After lunch I got in the C2 and headed to Home Depot to buy some string for my lawn edger. I also looked over some material that Dr Schwaderer will need for his project. When I got home I changed my clothes and started cutting the grass in the front yard. It was very hot and humid but I took several water breaks. I also edged, trimmed the lawn when I was done. I got out my super duper grass blower and I blew the loose grass off the sidewalk. I took a shower and then a 30 minute nap.

At 1700 Nancy and I headed to the Brandywine on East Beltline for dinner. You can get a beer at the East Beltline Brandywine. Nancy and I both had the "Ham-D'scram. After dinner we visited the new D&W at the NE corner of Knapp and East Beltline. It is a really nice store. At home I read the GRP and watched a little TV. I also played some games on the itouch. About 2100 Lucas called and told us that he had been Kayaking with his dad. Lucas and I went kayaking on Reeds Lake last summer.

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