Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday August 9, 2010

2126: I got up at 0630 this morning with no alarm. I performed my at home exercises, ate breakfast and then got in the C2 and headed for Branch, MI. Branch is in Lake County just west of Baldwin. Today I visited the Twin Lakes Club. This club is on a small private lake and it has about 10 members. Each member has a log cabin. The club was started by some Michigan Highway Department bigwigs in the 20s. When the depression hit in 1929 some of the original members could not afford the upkeep so several contractors bought into the club. I was a guest of Dr Tom Schwaderer whose father was a road contractor out of Cass City. Tom's father sold his company to C R Hunt. The Hunt firm has bid on several of our bridge project. A relative of Dr Tom's, George Schwaderer, use to work for my father. George Schwaderer was from Caro and ended up working for the Alaska Highway Dept.

The Schwaderer cabin is very nice. It is carpeted and winterized. I think it has three bedrooms. The reason for my visit was to inspect a culvert/bridge on their property. I looked at the culvert/bridge and made several suggestions. I think the bridge/culvert can be repaired for under $2000. Dr Tom took me to lunch in Bass Lake. I had a buffalo burger and beer. It was very good. Dr Tom brought along a friend who was a graduate of Merrill High School. He knew my friend Tom Mayan.

Dr Tom is a shoulder specialist. We have a tit for tat relationship. I tell him how to solve his bridge/culvert problems and he is advising me on how to repair my shoulder.

It is a two hour drive to Twin Lakes. I got home about 1800. Tonight was cereal night. I had some frosted flakes with peaches. After reading the GRP I took a short walk. It is very hot and humid. In fact Ms P did not want to walk around the block. I need a rainy day because my desk is full of bills that have to be paid and emails that must be answered.

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