Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday August 2, 2010

2058: Monday morning and I slept in until 0715. We had the AC on last night and I really slept well. Today was another morning with my modified exercise schedule. After the at home routine I get on the AT and head to the MAC. I perform my normal routine and again lowered my time in the 1.5 mile run by 30". I know it is all the bike riding. After shaving my head and a shower I check my voicemail and then check my email on the itouch. I had several emails but only one required any action. Next Monday I will meet Dr Schwaderer at his camp near Baldwin to inspect his troubled bridge.

At the Kava House I read only the DFP. Today's DFP was all about tomorrow primary election. The governor's race is really getting nasty. I will be glad when it is over.

When I got home I expected to see Kim cleaning the house. However, we must have some missed communications because she did not come. I had a quick lunch and then took the Taurus in for its 10,000 mile checkup. I read the WSJ while waiting for the car. I was surprised to learn that the Taurus was purchased on 17Jul09. We put 10,000 miles on the car in a year. That is not much driving. One thing I disliked about my wait was that the AC was running full blast. I mentioned to the cashier that Ford could save some money by not keeping the dealership so cold. She remarked that she was just going to turn the AC down because she thought it was too warm. We get the same reaction from waitresses in restaurants.

I got home and Nancy was getting to leave for the Gardens. I decided to take a 3 mile walk. After the walk and shower I had dinner. Tonight was cereal night. I read the GRP and watched the evening news. at 1900 Ms P and I took a walk around the block. It was very humid but it did not deter folks from taking their evening walk. I must take Ms P out one more time before I go to bed. Summer is moving too fast.

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