Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday August 27, 2010

2138 Saturday: On Friday the 27th I woke at 0730. I am glad I no longer set an alarm clock on most days. Downstairs I noted that Nancy had opened some of her birthday presents. I immediately went upstairs and got her present. I got her an itouch. I know once I download her music and some games that she will enjoy this new toy. I know that she will really enjoy it on our upcoming trip to Russia. We have several flights of over nine hours. Playing games and listening to music will make the flight easier.

I did follow my normal routine. I rode my AT today instead of the retro. As I mentioned yesterday I put the straight handlebars back on. With the straight bars I can install a decent rear view mirror. Us old folks need this mirror because we have lost a lot of mobility in our neck. In other words we cannot turn around and see what is behind us. I did finally end up at the Kava House. I read both the WSJ and DFP.

When I got home Kim was still cleaning so I had a quick lunch and ran some errands. I stopped at the Fulton Street mower store and got my lawn mower blade sharpened. The store was bought out by Ada Bike so I also bought a super duper rear view mirror and an extra large under the bike seat bag. My next stop was the Kent County Credit Union where I got some cash for our trip. When I got home I installed the bag and mirror. I also helped Nancy get started on loading her CDs into her iMac. The beauty of the itouch is that when connected to the iMac all files are transferred between machines. It works slick.

For Nancy's birthday dinner we headed to Charlie's Crab for the early bird special. The early bird special is only good on Fridays if you get to the restaurant before 1730. The special includes soup or salad, the entree and dessert. The Namey's joined us for dinner. We were also celebrating Mary's birthday. After dinner we headed to our house for coffee. It was a very pleasant evening. Nancy got calls from all the children, her sister and sister-in-law. I think she had a great birthday.

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