Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tuesday August 17, 2010

1323: Once again I got up at 0630. I took my time exercising and eating breakfast. I left home on the retro for the MAC about 0845. My time in the 1.5 mile run was 14'30". I have been thinking about my running times. I have been claiming that my speed has increased because of all my bike riding. I now think it might simply be that I have not been rowing since my injury 2 months ago. I use to row 20 minutes before running. Do you think that by eliminating rowing I am not as tired when I run?

Today was free refill day at the Kava House. I ordered a 16 oz instead of a 20 oz and saved $0.20. Neither the WSJ or DFP had any article worth talking about. I got home about 1245. After a quick lunch I checked my email and then headed to the skin doctor, Dr Mary Yurko. She put sprayed some liquid nitrogen on some sun spots. Overall she said I was in good shape. She did give me a prescription for some hand cream.

When I got home Nancy wanted a cooked chicken from Costco. So I drove to Costco to get the chicken and my prescription filled. Ms P did not want to go with me. I ended the afternoon with a 3 mile walk. It was cool so I did not need a shower after the walk. I had chicken and corn on the cob for dinner.

Tonight the OHNA is having their board meeting at our house. Nancy made brownies and coffee for the folks. They are meeting right now. Ms P is locked in my office and she is not happy.

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