Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday August 11, 2010

1712 Thursday. The Wednesday alarm goes off at 0546. Today is Breakfast Club so I get right up and head downtown to the Women's Civic Club. They had a great breakfast which included a whole ham that was sliced as you passed through the line.

Today's speaker was John Otterbacher. John Otterbacher was our State Senator in the 90s. He also had an office in the McKay Tower for many years. Otterbacher had a life changing experience when he had eight heart surgeries in eight months. Against his doctor's advice he decided to load his family into their sailboat and take an extended cruise. They sailed to the Caribbean and then across the Atlantic to Europe. The cruise lasted 6 years. I was so impressed with the talk that I bought his book.

After breakfast club I stopped by Rylee's Hardware to buy some garden hose washers. The cashier said I better head home because a big storm was minutes away. I got home before the thunder and lightning started. Once the fireworks started Ms P went beserk. I finally got her calmed down by taking a nap. I let her sleep with me.

Nancy got home about 1130 and we immediately headed to Costco to buy some sandwiches for tonight's concert. Ms P went with us. I then dropped Nancy off at the Gardens so she could work this afternoon.

After a quick lunch I got dressed for a 1400 GRBA meeting. The big item on today's agenda was the sale of $10,000,000 worth of bonds to pay for a 252 space parking garage. We approved the sale.

I got home a little after three and in order to get some exercise in I took a two mile walk. Nancy and I had tickets to the Garrison Keillor concert at the Gardens. Nancy was already in line when I got to the Gardens. The place was packed mostly with old folks. It was a great night for a concert (again). Garrison Keillor performed for over 2.5 hours.

Wednesday was a very busy day. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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