Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday August 26, 2010

2131: I drag myself out of bed at 0700. It was another cool morning with the temperature in the 50s. I put on a sweat shirt for my ride to the MAC. After the MAC I ended up at the Kava House. At the Kava House I received two phone calls. The first was from Jennifer Dougherty saying that she had not called me. I forgot to erase an old message on my phone. Jennifer did tell me that they were just finishing another surgery on Caleb. (I just read her blog and the surgery appears to be a success.) Right after I hung up on Jennifer I got a call from Dr Tom Schwaderer. He had hit the wrong number on his cell. We talked a little and he told me that his group was having a meeting on Saturday to determine what to do on their problem bridge. I read the DFP and was just starting the WSJ when the Kindles battery ran low. I packed up and headed for home.

When I got home I looked at the mail and saw that Dr Tom had written a thank you note telling me how he appreciated my help on his project. He enclosed a gift certificate for the Kava House. It was a nice gesture. I had a quick lunch and then got out the lawn mower. I finished the entire lawn in near record time. I think the low temperature helped. It was only 73.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. We each ordered a different sandwich and shared one-half. We talked about our upcoming trip. After dinner we stopped at the ATM and the pet store to get Ms P some food. I read the GRP and then took a mile walk. I headed upstairs about 2030.

On a sad note I was reading the Alpena News and saw that a high school classmate, Lee Powley, had passed away. Lee was a good friend. I remember one weekend when we were seniors and Lee invited Tom Cassell and myself down to his grandmother's farm to go pheasant hunting. It was a great weekend.

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