Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saturday August 21, 2010

1647: It started to rain early this morning and it was still raining when I got up at 0710. Because of the rain I had to take the C2 to Bill's for breakfast. I had my usual pancake and eggs. After breakfast I came home and removed the drop handlebars from my AT and put on a straight bar. I drove around the block and decided that the drop bars were best so I put the drops back on.

I have been waiting for a rainy day so I could check a set of plans Jennifer Dougherty had given me and also to clean up my desk. I spent about 5 hours checking the plans. It had been awhile but I found some of my old excel templates so I felt comfortable with the results I received. I could not get my large printer to work so I printed the plans out on 8 1/2" x 11" sheets. I had to use a magnifying glass to read some numbers.

The sun came out later in the afternoon so I decided to get my 30 by pedaling around Reeds Lake. I took the retro and it took 38 minutes. Nancy and I had dinner at the Brandywine on East Beltline. I choose this Brandywine over the Eastowne one because of beer. It was warm yesterday but we did not turn on the AC . I went on a walk around 2030 and it was dark. We had a full moon. I did watch some TV because there were some good movies on. I watched part of Cool Hand Luke, a great movie, and two westerns. One Western starred Clint Eastwood and the other had Robert Duvall and Kevin Costner. I headed to bed about 2230. Nothing like Saturday night in GR.

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