Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday August 23, 2010

1727: Monday morning and I get up at 0630. Following the at home ritual I get on the retro and head to the MAC. Everyone must still be on vacation because the MAC was not very crowded. I ran almost 2 miles today with no shoulder pain. Tomorrow I will try two miles. Monday is my busy day at the MAC because I also shave, head and face. I did not leave until 1045.

The Kava House was also very slow. I read both the WSJ and DFP. Not much to report on. This morning I did read a report on the ENR electronic edition that the heavy rains in China are really taxing the Three Gorges Dam. It was very interesting. I wonder how the big dams in Pakistan are doing after all their rain. The devastation in Pakistan is frightening.

After lunch I came upstairs and finished reviewing the plans for Jennifer Dougherty. I got done about 1600 and then got on the retro and rode around Reeds Lake twice. Today no one was home when the Fed EX man stopped by. He left a note that I can pick up a package at their Kentwood store. The package is Nancy's birthday present. So after a quick shower Ms P and I will head for Fed Ex. Nancy is working at the Gardens tonight.

Ms P and I rode to Fed Ex and got the package. I got home in time to see the NBC news at 1830. I had blueberries with cereal for dinner. I read the GRP and watched Shepard Smith on Fox. Not much else on TV but I had the clicker so I surfed between movies. I headed upstairs about 2130. The moon last night was spectacular.

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