Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday August 7, 2010

1358 Sunday: Saturday morning and I get up at 0715. Today I know exactly what I am going to do. The first thing is to pedal to Bill's for pancake and eggs. At Bill's I read both the DFP and WSJ. Nothing important to write about. When I got home I filled my water bottle and got a map showing bike trails in Ada and Cascade Townships. I start down Burton until I got to Cascade Road. I then followed the trails shown on the map. The trails are wide and smooth. It has been awhile since I have been in this area and I forgot how nice the homes and lawns look. This is definitely an upscale area. I take all the trails south of Ada. The entire trip took 3 hour and covered 30 miles.

When I got home I called Debbie and Missy to check how things were going. It is always great to talk to the family. I will call Steve later today. After my shower I took a quick nap.

Nancy and I met the Namey's at Mangiamo's for dinner. The restaurant used to be Gibson's. We had a great meal. After dinner we returned to 1555 Mackinaw Road for dessert and coffee. It was a great way to end a beautiful summer's day.

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