Friday, August 6, 2010

Thursday August 5, 2010

2138 Friday: I am a day late with Thursday's blog. On Thursday I slept in until 0730. I did my exercises and ended up at the Kava House. I am having trouble downloading the DFP and WSJ at the Kava House. It takes almost 10 minutes on most days and yesterday it took 30 minutes. At the MAC or Bill's the download is almost instantaneous. I asked the employees at the Kava House and they said that people with iphones cannot get any reception. I guess I am lucky that I can download even if it is slow.

I did not get home from the Kava House until about 1300. I had a quick lunch and then started to cut the grass. I did the back and side yards and the edges of the front yard. I did the edges so that I could edge, trim and blow the entire yard. I got done about 1600 and took a quick shower.

At 1630 Nancy and I headed to the Gardens to work at the concert. Nancy checked ID's and I worked the rental chair concession. Natalie MacMasters was the featured performer . She is a fiddler and step dancer from Nova Scotia. The music was Scottish and Irish folk music. It was very entertaining and the crowd really got into her performance. One of the enjoyable things about summer in GR is the outdoor concerts at Meijer's Gardens. Next week we are seeing Garrison Keillor.

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