Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wednesday August 3, 2010

1600: This is my 0700 week. I got up at 0700 and then performed all my at home and MAC exercises as scheduled. I ended up at the Kava House for coffee and the papers. It is another hot and humid day. In fact I think the humidity today make it the most uncomfortable day of the year. Did you know that the evening temperatures in Long Beach and Santa Clara are much cooler than in GR and Cleveland.

2130: After lunch I hurried upstairs and paid some bills including our 2009 amended tax return. Next I got in the C2 and headed to the bank to renew a CD. I did not think interest rates could go so low. A 5 year CD paid 2%. I stopped by the post office and mailed our tax returns and then stopped at the MAC to put some new soap and dry skin lotion in my locker. My final stop was the car wash to get the C2 cleaned, inside and out. They did a great job and got rid of all the dog hair.

I finished the afternoon with a 3 mile walk. Like yesterday it was very hot and humid and I was drenched when I got done. Dinner tonight was a PB&J with watermelon. I sat down to watch the evening news and fell asleep. I slept for 30 minutes and when I woke it was time to go to the OHNA's ice cream social. We had a great turnout. I talked to some neighbors and of course had some ice cream. They had a drawing and I won a $30 gift certificate to a local restaurant. It was a good evening. We have the AC working full blast and we just noticed that our lights flickered. I hope we don't have a brown out with all the AC's working.

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