Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday August 4, 2010

1729: Wednesday, my easy day and I slept in until 0645. The weatherman said it is going to be another hot humid day. No rain is predicted. So now my big question is where am I going biking today? I decide to ponder this question over breakfast at Bill's. I pedaled the AT to Bill's and had the week day special. I also read the DFP and WSJ. The results of yesterday's election were the main items in the DFP. I did not have a good average yesterday because both my choice for Governor and US Representative were defeated soundly. If I had voted Democratic my choice for Governor would also have lost. The voters wanted candidates from the far right and left. No middle of the road guys for them.

When I got home I decided to ride the White Pine Trail. Part of my reason was that it was so darn hot. I wanted to ride at least 30 miles and if I was too far from home I was afraid that I would fall asleep on my ride home. I rode 31 miles and my average speed was 11.7 mph. This is a good speed for me on my fat tired single speed. I got home about 1500. Nancy had gone to Grand Haven with Mary Namey to have lunch with a fellow school teacher who lives in Grand Haven. She was not home when I got home.

The first thing I did when I got home was to call Tommy Collins. Today is Tommy's 71st birthday. Tommy now lives in San Clemente, CA. He is fully retired and enjoying life. Tommy was one of my best friends growing up in Alpena. We played a lot of hockey together and I have fond memories of playing hockey outdoors on a cold winter evening. Life was good back then. Of course it is still good. Why I remember Tommy's birthday and not Jack Gillard's or Jimmy Masters' or Tom Cassell's I do not know.

After the call to Tom I took and shower and a nice nap.

2200: This evening is cereal night. I watched the evening news and then read the GRP. From 7 to 8 I normally watch some cable news shows. But lately they have become so radical that I must find something else to do for that hour. Tonight I walked Ms P around the block and played some games on my itouch. Games on the itouch are a time sink. Missy skyped us tonight and we got to see Akerke and talk to Missy. I got to head for bed now because tomorrow is a busy day. Nancy and I are working a concert at the Gardens and I will try and cut the grass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Natalie McMaster at the Gardens? She's alot of fun to watch!
