Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday August 10, 2010

1425: I slept in until 0730 today. It must be the hot humid weather that is wearing me out. After my home routine I pedaled to the MAC. This is the first time since Thursday that I have been to the MAC. I did my normal routine and tried working on an elliptical machine. I don't like elliptical machines. I also tried doing some one hand pull-ups using the pull-up assist machine. I had to set the assist quite high in order to do a pull-up. I might continue using this machine. I have decided I must do some upper body exercises despite my sore shoulder.

At the Kava House today I read both the WSJ and DFP. The DFP had several articles on the pizza hut family buying the Pistons. Everyone is speculating that they will move the Pistons to downtown Detroit. The Pistons and Redwings will play in a new arena. I think it is wishful thinking.

I did not get home until 1315. I paid some bills and had a quick lunch. I am going on a bike ride and will stop at the post office to mail the bills.

2136: I rode my bike to the post office and then I proceeded to Reeds Lake and I pedaled twice around the lake. I traveled 15.1 miles in 1h25'. It was hot and humid but a good ride nonetheless.

Nancy grilled a chicken breast and pork chop for dinner tonight. We also had fresh peaches and corn-on-the-cob. It was great. We watched the news and then NCIS. I got out the itouch and played several games as I watched TV. Yes folks I was multi-tasking. Tomorrow I have a 0700 Breakfast Club meeting and a 1400 GRBA meeting and in the evening Nancy and I are going to the Gardens to see Garrison Keillor. I hope the weather holds.

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